
Comparing Alexander The Great And Augustus

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During the times of the ancient world two famous names that stand out are Alexander the Great and Augustus. Both men were very successful leaders during their period and had great influence over civilization. Alexander had conquered many lands stretching from Macedonia to India. Augustus had overthrown the Hellenistic empire and lead Rome the takeover. Each of these men were very significant to history, however I feel that Augustus may have been the more significant of the two. Alexander the Great was son of King Phillip II and came into power after his father’s death at age of twenty-two. What he is most known for are his military crusades that his father was planning prior to his death, the invasion over the …show more content…

Northern and Western Europe were part of the expanding of the Roman Empire under his lead. The way in which he operated was very clever in particular that he to avoided what had happened to his Uncle Julius Ceaser who was assassinated and left in his will unknown to him till after the fact as adopted son and successor. The Pax Romana, which meant Roman peace brought political stability and peace to the empire he was a very intelligent military leader and able to lead they empire with law and example. His family lead as example of what a traditional family should be betrayed as, adultery was viewed as a crime, although his daughter was exiled because of being accused of being adulterous. After creating the a dynasty Tiberius was the adopted heir to what had been created under the reign of Augustus the greatest Emperor of the Roman Empire who died in 14 B.C. After looking at both these great rulers and their time in power I feel strongly that Augustus is the more significant of the two. The order and stability he brought to the Roman Empire was very important and made him to be considered the greatest Emperor of the Roman Empire and the way

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