Comparing Beck's Theory And Learned Helplessness Theory

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This suggests and proposes that the people with traumatic histories and who have compassion and kindness for themselves are better able to deal with life difficulties and upsetting events in a more productive manner. Self-compassion is also a significant and effective source which appears to help people to cope with chronic physiological pain and suffering (Costa & Pinto-Gouveia, 2011). Research increasingly and progressively shows that treating ones ‘self with care, politeness and kindness and with compassion is a powerful and strong way to enhance and improve interpersonal and intrapersonal wellbeing. When we are mindful of our painful experience suffering and respond with kindness and gentleness and remembering that the suffering and misery …show more content…

In the Beck's theory (1987), individual differences exist in the subjective and personal value people place on their various life experiences as well. Learned Helplessness Theory (LHT) is based on the proposition and suggestion that the learned helplessness develops and grows when the individuals create negative attributions that outcomes or results in response to a negative life event are uncontrollable, intense and independent and free from their actions. (Maier and Seligman’s, 1978) Hopelessness Theory that hypothesizes and proposes that the occurrence of a stressful event interacts and interrelates with the proposed cognitive vulnerability, termed negative inferential style, to predict the development and progress of hopelessness, which then leads to the anxiety and depressive symptoms. Thus, the cognitive vulnerability of the negative inferential style encompasses both the helplessness expectancies and the negative outcome expectancies following the existence of a negative life event. (Abramson, Metalsky, & Alloy, …show more content…

In an extension of the Nolen-Hoeksema's logic, all these studies argued and suggested that the individuals who have both tendencies such as to make negative inferences and ruminate about these negative cognitions and thoughts in response to the occurrence of the stressful life events and circumstances (stress-reactive rumination) may be more likely to develop and establish an episode of the depression in the first

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