Comparing Carver's House By Raymond Carver And Edward Hopper

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Raymond Carver and Edward Hopper have similar work. Carver was from oregon and live from 1938 to 1988. He was married and had two kids before he was twenty. He was known be and excessive drinker util 1977. Hopper was from New York and lived from 1882 to 1967. He created more than 800 known paintings. Although Carver is a short story writer and Hopper is an artist their work is really similar. They both show realism in the characters they use, the sitting , and the point of view. Carver and Hopper develop their characters in the same way. The characters used in “Chefs House” are a women named Edna who narrating the story and her husband Wes. There's not much background detail about the characters except when Edna mentions, “I remembered how he was when he …show more content…

I got out with Cheryl and Bobby and said, there's grandpa. But they were just babies” (Chefs house pg.4). This sums up all we know about the characters, they were married for a long time and had two children together. She also mentions that they had been separated for over two years and we can infer it was because of his excessive drinking. He calls her and tries to convince her to stay with him by saying “ he was on the wagon” (chefs house pg. 1). He could of mentioned it because that's what caused problems between. But the reader never really knows due to the little background information which is a characteristic of minimalism. The character used in the painting called High Noon by Hopper is also someone the viewer knows nothing about.There's not much detail in his paintings. In