
Comparing Communication In Julius Caesar And Mark Antony's Speech

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Communication is one of the most important aspects of being human. Some, such as William Shakespeare and Martin Luther King Jr. (MLK), have turned it into an art form. Martin Luther King Jr.’s powerful “I Have A Dream” speech has captivated audiences with the passion and sincerity of his words. Similarly, William Shakespeare has commanded respect through his expert use of language and rhetoric. Using Mark Antony’s speech in Shakespeare’s Julius Caesar, Shakespeare’s skillful speech has become the epitome of rhetorical writing. Both of these influential speeches have successfully used ethos, pathos, and logos to incite emotion and persuade their audience. In Martin Luther King’s speech, he is attempting to instill hope and a desire to change the current state of affairs. Giving his speech during the March on Washington for Jobs and Freedom in 1963, MLK addresses the social injustice and discrimination of African Americans and calls on them to peacefully demand equality. In Shakespeare’s play, Mark Anthony uses Julius Caesar’s assassination to persuade the crowd against Caesar’s killers. Unlike Martin …show more content…

Mark Antony uses the examples of Caesar’s goodness to make the audience feel bad and feel sad at the death of Caesar. A major difference between the two speeches, Martin Luther King desires peaceful protests. He tells the people not to be involved in violence and to not be hateful. He also uses faith to give truth and unite the people. His use of the Bible creates authority, but it also inspires people to desire change and gives them hope for a better future. Although Mark Antony and Martin Luther King Jr. desired different outcomes, they used the same tools and ideas to bring about change. Using rhetoric enables the author to inspire the audience to think a different way or open their eyes to a new viewpoint. This artistic aspect of writing can inspire thousands; through persuasive speech, revolutionary change can be brought

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