Dances with Wolves was released in 1990 by Kevin Costner, an American actor, filmmaker, and singer. Costner has directed several movies, including Open Range and The Postman, and has acted in numerous others. He began acting in the late 1970s with the film Sizzle Beach, U.S.A., which was not released until 1986, and eventually directed his first movie in 1990. Kevin Costner continues to act in movies to this day. Dances with Wolves is based off of a novel of the same name written in 1988. Although there were many differences between the novel and the film, the characters kept the same names in both. The protagonist, John J. Dunbar, starts as a Union soldier whose injured leg leads him into a suicidal charge on the opposing positions. Upon …show more content…
For example, Dances With Wolves comes upon the carcasses of buffalo hunted by white hunters left out to rot with only the hide and tongue taken. When Dances With Wolves hunts with the Sioux, the buffalo killed are not wasted in any way. In fact, when they gather around one of the buffalo, they start to eat its liver raw. According to Native American legends, the only meat from a buffalo they didn’t eat was the chest right under their necks. This is because they believed that when the buffalo lost a race to determine who would eat who, the buffalo tucked human flesh in their chest to save for later. Native American wouldn’t eat it, saying it was the same as eating a human. Furthermore, Dances With Wolves tells Kicking Bird that they will be invaded by a mass of white men. Considering how most white settlers believed that it was their destiny to expand into Native American land, it was only a matter of time before this happened. Additionally, I noticed that Stands With A Fist, a white woman who was raised as a child by the tribe, has short hair. I was going to mark this as an inaccuracy as her hair should’ve been long like all the women in the tribe, given the amount of time she lived with the tribe. However, I stumbled upon an article on Native American customs and discovered that one may cut their hair if they are in mourning. Since she was recently widowed, it would make sense to assume that she followed the custom and trimmed her hair