Comparing Dostoevsky's 'Doctor Zhivago'

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"Doctor Zhivago" is a classic scandalous novel by Boris Pasternak. It includes both romance and history. This book was such a big success that they later made a movie about it. The modern movie has many differences from the book in order to make it easier to understand and more entertaining. The director of the movie also managed to keep many important scenes from the book.

I was a little disappointed when watching the movie because I expected to see all the same things that I had read about. I realized that in order to keep the film shorter they had to make some changes. The beginning of the movie started out with Yevgraf, Yury's brother, questioning a young girl. He was determined that this girl was his brother and Lara's daughter, so he …show more content…

I really did like Yevgraftelling the story, because this made it easier to understand. In the book, they mentioned the balalaika only a couple of times. When they did talk about it, there was not much detail. In the movie, the balalaika was a very major symbol throughout the whole movie. It appeared in many scenes and was also the background music for the movie. I think the movie chose to make this an important object so that they could give the movie a "sad" feeling with the soft music playing. In the book, Boris described Yury's, Lara's, and Pasha's childhoods with a lot of detail. The movie took only enough time to show a short scene ofYury's childhood. I do not like that the movie took out Lara and Pasha's childhood because it was easier to understand when I knew where they came from. The first time the movie showed Pasha, he was leading a protest. In the book, it never said anything about Pasha leading a protest. I think this was just added to the movie to make it more dramatic. I was really surprised when I saw that Lara and Komarovsky'srelationship was emphasized in the movie. Lara seemed to likeKomarovskya lot more in the movie than in the book. Having their relationship be a big part of the movie made it more scandalouswhich was more