Dreams are opportunities to escape from reality and imagine new situations. They can take characters on new adventures or can let them experience new ideas and concepts. A dream shows a new universe, where anything can be possible. These dreams can range from simple desires to large, flamboyant expectations. Dreams are a part of literature and can be seen in various novels and plays such as, the Great Gatsby, Persepolis and The Crucible. In the Great Gatsby by F. Scott Fitzgerald, readers are introduced to a Gatsby, a man who has a dream of obtaining his true love, Daisy. In order to obtain his dream, he has to transform his lifestyle from a poor soldier to a rich and mysterious man. Gatsby tries to win Daisy's love and affection by transforming into the man he thought she wanted and he created a different image of himself. Gatsby was in love with the idea of Daisy, as she was a symbol of wealth and privilege. This symbol is why he is so motivated to obtain his dream. Eventually, this causes him to take the blame of killing Myrtle, instead of letting Daisy be blamed. His obsession to …show more content…
John is already married to Elizabeth Proctor however, since he and Abigail had an affair previously, Abigail wishes to take Elizabeth's place and become his wife. Her relationship with John Proctor and her dream for more is the driving force that begins the hysteria of the Salem Witch Trials. John is the object of Abigail's desire and she cannot let him go; therefore, she begins to manipulate the court by convincing them that she works with the Devil and was a witch. She has to power to blame others of witchcraft and wants Elizabeth to be convicted to that she can take her place. Abigail's desire and dream to be with Proctor takes her on the journey of the Salem Witch Trials, where many innocent individuals were