Comparing Dystopia In Fahrenheit 451, And Running Man

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Many books of the dystopian genre discuss cultural, environmental, and government systems. They are shown to be undesirable, horrific, and usually in a futuristic setting which depicts themes of corruption, and convention vs rebellion. Books of this genre usually end bitterly with ‘order’ restored to society with the best case scenario ending with the survival of the protagonist. The four texts that link these connections together are Avatar directed by James Cameron, Fahrenheit 451 written by Ray Bradbury, Running Man written by Stephen King, and V for Vendetta by Alan Moore. The theme of corruption is an essential component in all dystopian books, as the reader develops further comprehension of the protagonist and their society. In many of these texts, a superior group (usually the government) reigns control over everyone to the point where civilisations are either dependent on …show more content…

With this, we need to question what defines freedom in these texts. In simple terms it means doing whatever you want, but it also involves breaking free your own ignorance and flaws. Taking in this message, the audience also understands that in order to be ‘free’, you need solid education, self control and perseverance. The class disparity, also presents different perceptions on their society. Lower class citizens will perceive this system to unfair while the upper class sees society as an utopia. The difference in these core values lead to pressure and hostility from these two groups while the government reinforces this tension. In today’s world, we are constantly pressured by media and popular culture on what our appearance should be, what our interests are, and how we should interact with society. With this cultural pressure, the people are determined to mould themselves until everything they do will be singular as opposed to what nature intended for us to do, and that is to be a unique

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