
Comparing Elsinore To The Garden Of Eden In Hamlet By William Shakespeare

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Hamlet In the play, HAMLET, Shakespeare uses biblical references to compare Elsinore to the Garden of Eden. One way that Elsinore is similar to the Garden of Eden is the sins committed by the people living there made them both places of darkness and deception; the people of Elsinore didn’t investigate the death and usurpation of the throne, thus allowing evil into their kingdom, as in the Garden of Eden, where no one investigated the death of Abel, and God had to intervene. Another way is that jealousy, revenge and murder played a big part in both; Claudius was jealous of his brothers power, so he murdered him, which led to Hamlet’s revenge filled adventure, just like in Eden where Cain was jealous that God favored Abel’s gift over his, so he murdered Abel as revenge. The final way is that the people of these places …show more content…

All of these are part of the reason each place was corrupted and in a sense, destroyed. The first way that Elsinore was the same as the Garden of Eden is that the sins of its people made both places ones of darkness and deception. In the play, the inhabitants of Elsinore sinned greatly. Claudius, being jealous of his brothers power, murdered the king and lied to the people, saying it was a snake, when it was actually him. “Tis given out that, sleeping in my orchard, a serpent stung me. So the whole ear of Denmark is by a forgèd process of my death rankly abused. But know, thou noble youth, the serpent that did sting thy father’s life now wears his crown” (Act 1,

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