Comparing Erikson's Life And Development

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Erik Erikson was born in Frankfurt Germany in 1902 his young mother raised for a while until she married his physician. (New York Times 1994). Erikson for many years did not know that his stepfather was not his biological father. After finding out it took a toll on him, throughout his life he struggled with identity and felt that his stepfather never fully accepted him. He went to an all Jewish school where he was bullied from his peers because of his appearance. Those early experiences fueled his interest in identity. After meeting Anna Freud the daughter of Sigmund Freud in Vienna, he decided to pursue a career in psychoanalysis. He received a diploma from the Vienna Psychoanalytic Institute however he never received a formal degree all of his knowledge was based on …show more content…

I always needed more attention when it came to that subject. My parents remember me having issues with math and falling behind in math class. My parents told me about how my third grade teacher Mrs.Pedraza called home and expressed her concern. I remember my dad went to walgreens that night and bought me flashcards and a white board. Everyday I came home from school and worked on my math homework. My parents said they did not want me to fall behind and even talked to my teacher so I could stay after school with her. They were really involved in helping me that I did not feel ashamed. In the end it worked out because they spent excessive amounts of money on tutoring and helping me do homework that I finally got how to divide fractions. Even till this day I am not good at math but I am not ashamed to ask for help and have my parents sit down and do homework with me since my dad is good at math. My parents really encouraged me in school to come and talk to tell without feeling ashamed. My mom told me that when I finally got the hang of math that she noticed a difference in me I was more excited to go to