
Comparing Fahrenheit 451 And Animal Farm By Ray Bradbury

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Fahrenheit 451 was published in 1951 by Ray Bradbury which tells a story of censorship. Animal Farm was published in 1945 by George Orwell which tells a story of animals overthrowing their farm owner. Both of these books are well-known across the western world. Both works are also considered dystopian fiction, though of somewhat different nature. In this essay discussion, I will discuss the similarities and differences between the two books in theme, main characters, and supporting casts. The themes of the two novels are very similar to each other. They are both dystopias. Both of the novels themes share corrupted and controlled society by a single minded power, for its own sake. In Animal Farm, Napoleon takes control and makes the farm corrupt over time. Napoleon also gets rid of strong people like Snowball, so he can stay the most powerful. He did so because he doesn’t want his farm animals to become too powerful. In Fahrenheit 451, the government like Animal Farm, is …show more content…

First is that they both failed to question their authority’s power. Boxer is a horse that suffers from the working class’s major weakness of continuous trust within their leader’s ability to make good decisions. Mildred Montag also never questioned the authority why books are banned from society and never believed that the government is doing this to prevent argument or disagreement. Second is that they both are very happy with their lives doing things that some may disagree on. Boxer is happy to ‘’work harder’’ and Mildred Montag is happy that her life is empty and filled with hours of mindless television. The difference between the two characters is that Boxer is actually loyal to the pigs that he has worked himself to death. While Mildred Montag isn’t loyal to her husband by turning him in to

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