Comparing Hammurabi's Code And The Ten Commandments

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Hammurabi's code and the Ten Commandments have similar rules or laws to follow. In Chapter 20, Verse 12, The Ten Commandments say that one should, “Honor your father and your mother, that your days will be prolonged in the land your Lord your God gives you.” This is basically saying that if you respect your parents you shall be rewarded with the Promised land. The same goes for Hammurabi's code. Law 195 says, ”If a son strike his father, his hands shall be hewn off.” Hitting your parents is very disrespectful, so, Hammurabi’s code is telling children to respect their parents. Both Ten Commandments and Hammurabi's Code also enforce rules about stealing. Chapter 20, Verse 15 of the Ten Commandments says, “You shall not steal”. Hammurabi’s code …show more content…

If he be a free man of the king, he shall return tenfold. If the thief cannot pay, he shall be put to death.” Law 14 states, “If anyone steal a minor son of another, he shall be put to death.” And finally law 22 states, “If somebody is caught in the act of robbery, then he shall be put to death.” Clearly Hammurabi’s code and the Ten Commandments prohibit violence to others. The Ten Commandments states in Chapter 20, Verse 13,, “You shall not murder.” Hammurabi’s code states many laws concerning violence to others. These include; Law 196, “If a man put out the eye of another man, his eye shall be put out.” Law 197 states, “If he breaks another man’s bone, his bone shall be broken” Law 200 reads, “If a man put out the teeth of his equal, his teeth shall be knocked out.” Law 195 states, “If a son strikes his father, his hands shall be hewn off. Law 202 reads, “ If anyone strikes the body of a man higher than rank than he, he shall receive sixty blows with an ox-whip in public.” One could see that both prohibit violence to others in any way, form, or

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