Comparing Humanism In The Renaissance And Today

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Humanism in the Renaissance and Today Humanism in The Renaissance generally applies to the study of classical antiquity. In the 1400s and 1500s this term “humanism” refers to predominant social philosophy, and intellectual and literary currents. It is the true belief that humans have importance and power which really intensified the Renaissance. Humanism implies a test to the medieval bias towards faith. Humanism not only honors artistic achievement, but as well as scientific achievements. During the Renaissance, some scientists challenged the church with progressive theories. Galileo challenged that the earth was not the center of the universe, and spent time on house arrest because of this theory [94]. Along with the movements of art during …show more content…

The clarity of the music was absolutely necessary, and the way musicians composed was very pleasing to the ear creating consonance within their pieces. The arts during the Renaissance began to shift towards the encounters of existing human beings. When this happened the total power of the medieval church started to fade. Most of the composers deliberately constructed pieces that had mathematically simple Pythagorean relationship to avoid dissonance. Realism begin to shape the way the music was related to the text and how words of the composition had to be clearly understood. Composers and musicians were asked to perform their pieces in order to spread the new humanism ideas. Music in the renaissance has a vaster depth and range with a bigger importance on human expression. The madrigal was a type of song during the renaissance that was very in sync with humanism. A song designed for three to six voices. It essentially put romantic poems and emotional texts to danceable to tunes. In the 1550s this type of music became very popular in Florence, Rome, and even Venice. Being expressive in music is important to the understanding and deep appreciation of the piece as a humanistic art. In music if we are relating the pieces to our interests then we have to be able to connect it to human life. All of this influence of humanism in music and art during the Renaissance has influenced the modern technology of today’s

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