Comparing Machiavelli's The Prince And Utopia

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In the field of political theory, history, and literature, there have been many ideas passed. When we consider the Middle Ages, The Prince by Nicolo Machiavelli and Utopia by Sir. Thomas More appears to be the most influential works on how leaders should govern. By analyzing the messages passed by both Machiavelli and More, we will determine their requirements for establishing a successful system of government, and assisting those in authority to become better leaders. Nicolo Machiavelli is seen as a major political thinker, who had unique ideas concerning governance and leadership. Most of his ideas were controversial for their time. It was his belief that a good military create good laws. He argues that the conventional understanding of the war is a crucial the development of states, stating that a successful war acts as the foundation upon which …show more content…

However, according to Machiavelli, there is no moral basis that can become used in judging the difference between the legitimate and illegitimate use of power. He believed that authority and power were equal, and the person with the power had the right to exercise it. Machiavelli believed that the right to rule added nothing to the possession of power. According to him, power assists in defining the political activity. As such, it is only through the proper application of power that individuals will be brought to obey a ruler’s will, assisting him in maintaining the state in security. Such a view was different from those held by contemporary philosophers. However, it became evident that holding such a view of power would result in leaders who are autocrats, something that was already apparent in Machiavelli’s time, from the reign of King Charles in France, who wanted to conquer Naples, to the Borgia family, which wanted to increase its sphere of influence in the Italian