Comparing Mirandola's Neoplatonism And Modern Christianity

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Mirandola’s Neoplatonism and Modern Christianity
Neoplatonism is an idea dating back as far as the first century as Christianity was starting to create its foothold and was restored after the formation of the Humanist movement which had its base in Christian teachings. While Neoplatonism does not inherently match with the beliefs of Christians its resurrection during the Italian Renaissance and handling by intellectuals like Mirandola left it more in tune with what would become modern Christianity. Mirandola learned all he could of many different beliefs and Judeo-Christianity in particular. Mirandola’s version of Neoplatonism coincides with the Christian beliefs that man is created in God’s image, has free will, and should seek knowledge to both reaffirm …show more content…

When Mirandola says “man was symbolized in the mysteries by the figure Proteus” it is not necessarily meant to be taken as a fact but as a means to use something that is popular and easy to understand as a metaphor to show the receiver what the sender means as well as that the sender is knowledgeable about the same popular knowledge that any other person would know thus bridging a gap personally. Consider it to be like a modern person discussing the ideas of a movie. Likewise, there is the equifinality aspect which I find is best described by what Dr. Solonari once said a Russian Orthodox priest told him which was that we are certain of one way to go to heaven, but others may know another method. What this means for both modern Christianity and Neoplatonism is that while you may be following an altered path so long as you reach the ultimate goal of enlightenment for Neoplatonism and redemption in the eyes of the Judeo-Christian God for Christianity then the varied paths you take and what you learn along the way is and should be unique as you, a human

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