Comparing Moose Flanagan's Disgrace To Their Family

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Many younger kids are relied on to take care and “baby-sit” their older sibling because their brother or sister has special needs. That is exactly how Moose Flanagan lives with her sister, Natalie Flanagan. Natalie is way older than Moose, but huge responsibilities are put forth on Moose’s shoulders, especially since they live on Alcatraz Island. Literally...Moose and Natalie have a hunky-dory but sometimes unpleasant relationship because Moose responsibly takes care of Natalie. Even though Moose said he hated Natalie at one point in the book, Natalie brings a lot of value to Moose and his friends. Moose always tries to help Natalie and protect her.

Many people would think that their brother or sister is a disgrace to their family because they have special issues. Moose is unique in that category. I can tell he still loves and cares for Natalie despite being busy. He takes time to baby-sit Natalie and take her to the swings to play. He is always patient with her, and does not rush things at all. Natalie also helps out Moose a bit, since she listens to Moose more than any other person. When Moose tells her we have to go to see dad, or say, “We should go on a walk, Natalie. The weather is excellent.” Natalie obediently follows …show more content…

Mrs. Mattaman, Moose’s friends mom, baked Natalie her favorite cake as a special surprise for her. Natalie wanted the cake but Moose and Mrs. Mattaman wanted to teach her something first. Natalie could only focus on the cake, and very soon, she pitched a huge fit, causing Mrs. Mattaman to not want to give the cake to Natalie. Moose tried to drag Natalie about of there but Natalie unlovingly bit her brother on the hand. Moose screamed and said, “You know Natalie? I really HATE YOU SOMETIMES!” Sometimes Natalie can cause problems because that is the way she is. She can not help herself to pitch a fit and bite Moose. I bet Moose didn’t really mean it with what he said, but Natalie does sometimes