Comparing Neorealism And Classical Realism

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Similarities between ideologies Structural realism, being descended from a classical realism contains a variety of similarities with it. Both theories assert as one of their main arguments that states and other actors operate in the anarchical environment, where there is no supreme government to control all countries (Baylis, Smith, Owens, 2014). Moreover, that anarchy, being a leading principle of the international system, has not been changing in thousands of years, so it cannot be claimed that the international system will change dramatically in the future. Thus, both theories will be relevant in any case. However, even though both theories have an anarchy as a leading principle, they react differently to a condition of it. While classical realists believe that it is a condition of the system, and states react to it according to their size, location, domestic politics and …show more content…

This difference appears due to the contrast approach of each of the systems. As neorealists try to structurise the world and seek to find any interdependence at the international system they tend to see the state slightly in a different way. That is why, as Waltz and neorealists in general have more systematic and structured approach. It is also asserted by them that the policy of any state will be constructed more or less automatically as they would be influenced by external factors. While Morgenthau argued that states are bound to conduct their foreign policy in terms of national interest (Jackson, Sørensen, 2013: 81). Therefore, Neorealism differs from Classical realism mainly in its approach for studying the international politics as an integrated system which function in accordance to certain