Comparing Nietzsche's Beyond Good And Evil

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In the book “Beyond Good and Evil” Nietzsche mentions that true philosophers are the “bad conscience of their age”, by this he means that philosophers are called to a task to show their inequality of time. The task he tries to show what philosophers are, is the task of enhancing a society that deals with time. Nietzsche mentions in section 212 of the book “So far all these extraordinary patrons of humanity who are called philosophers have found their task, their harsh, unwanted, undeniable task lay in being the bad conscience of their age.” (Nietzsche,106). What Nietzsche is trying to say in this quote is that philosophers find their tasks by looking back at the morals they have used in their past to predict their future. An act of force arises …show more content…

They both look at the same function of how morality comes into play and set new values in order to accomplish a task. Nietzsche also thinks that creation comes within oneself and philosophers use that term as well to describe their abilities that they could handle. “Philosopher of the Future” is one of Nietzsche most important idea that refers to humanity and deals with his affirmative thinking process. Nietzsche creates a diversion that contradicts the philosopher and the highest values. He is involved in the concept of will to power that carries out most the tasks for a philosopher of the future. But Nietzsche describes philosophers of the future as a person who can solve problems when ranking and that’s not what Nietzsche feels like he could do in order to have a value system and it is hard for him to express his nobility towards nature. Philosopher of the future might be the closest think to the overman that Nietzsche needs to overcome. Carrying out the values of a philosopher could help him get closer to morality he is looking for. If Nietzsche were to carry out the task of a philosopher of the future, they would have the same perspective of creating new limits and