Comparing Odysseus And Phaeacia In Homer's Odyssey

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In the first section of the epic Odysseus is freed from the island of Calypso, then washes up on the shores of Phaeacia. Phaeacia is where he begins to tell his stories of his travels. The epic then uses Odysseus’s flashbacks to describe the stories. Odysseus left Troy, and traveled north to Ciconians, where Odysseus and his crew attacked the city. Then the next day Odysseus and his men were attacked back. After fleeing from Ciconians, Odysseus then is forced by a storm to the land of the lotus-eaters. Odysseus wasn’t fooled by the lotus plants, but his crewmates were. Odysseus had to gather his crewmates, and force them back to the ships, because once they ate the lotus flowers they never wanted to leave this land. After this Odysseus sails