Comparing Plato And Voltaire's Allegory Of The Cave

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The study of philosophy is a path seldom taken by many. Philosophical thinking requires much discipline in the mind of the student. It is through philosophy that the student is able to break free from the grasp of ignorance, and instead turn to the embrace of reason, thus leading to the discovery of many great philosophical truths. This essay will discuss two great philosophical works: Plato’s “Allegory of the Cave”, and Voltaire’s “Story of a Good Brahmin”. In examining each story, this essay will bring forth the philosophical attitudes presented by that of Plato and Voltaire. In comparing and contrasting each work, the philosophies of both Plato and Voltaire will then be compared to my own individual view on philosophy, demonstrating how each work can resonate within my own life experience. Plato’s “Allegory of the Cave” tells the story of a man who lives in a cave along with many other people. Each person passes along the walls of the cave, carrying many different figures and statues with them. Although the people do not see the actual figures, they are able to see the shadows of both themselves and the figures, as a result of the fire that lights the cave. Plato goes on to tell of one man that breaks free from the confines of the cave, making an ascent to the …show more content…

The Brahmin possesses all of the luxuries of life, including three wives that satisfy him in anyway necessary. At the same time that he is blessed in life, the Brahmin often wishes that he had never been born. The happiness of the Brahmin is much different from that of his neighbor, an elderly woman who possesses no knowledge of the subjects known by the Brahmin. Although this woman was not intelligent, she possessed happiness in her trust that Vishnu would bless her with clean water to