Comparing Roosevelt's Four Freedoms And Adolf Hitler

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Both Roosevelt’s “Four Freedoms” speech and Kennedy’s inaugural address talk about freedom for all mankind. However in Roosevelt’s speech he wants to use military power. Whereas Kennedy’s speech he wants to negotiate. Both of these speeches talk about safety for all Nations.

During 1941 president Franklin D Roosevelt gave his “Four Freedoms”speech. At this time Adolf Hitler was seizing power over other European countries and america was thinking about enter world war two. Significant numbers of Americans wanted to remain out of the war, however others felt that Adolf Hitler must be stopped.

Since Franklin wanted to use military power to protect freedom for all mankind he managed to give some good points and persuaded the American people that protecting freedom for all mankind could be possible. “What I seek to convey is the historic truth that the United States as a nation has at all times maintained clear,definite oppositions to any attempt to lock us in behind an ancient Chinese wall” (Franklin 5). Another example was “...engaged in the War of 1812 to vindicate our right to peaceful trade”(Franklin 7). Finally “...for anybody to brag that an that an unprepared America,single-handed,and white one hand tied behind its back,can hold off the whole world(Franklin 16). …show more content…

Instead of destroying the earth Kennedy wanted to use negotiation tactics to prevent this from