Comparing Satchel Paige's Contribution To Jackie Robinson

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Satchel Paige was the first and best person to persuade the MLB executives to change their mindset about Negroes being in the American League. Satchel Paige was the most dominant in his time, and showed success through failure. Overtime in his career with starting off with being rejected by the American League and had to kick start his career in the Negro Leagues. He was the most dominant pitcher winning more than 8/10 of his games and he was inducted into the American League, after being astonishing in his Negro League career. Comparing Satchel Paige to Jackie Robinson may people would say that Jackie was better but Satchel Paige was inducted into the MLB before Jackie was and was in the American League way before him. Thus, he was inducted into the hall of fame not surprisingly from his career record. Consequently, he was inducted a couple years after he ended his career at the age of 52, The oldest person to ever play in baseball. Lastly Satchel paige became the most dominant pitcher in the MLB, because he only lost one game in his American League record. …show more content…

He was born into the world by home birth by a midwife. His mom was a washerwoman, who had trouble at night falling asleep thinking about growing her four daughters and two sons. After Satchel was born, Lula his mom would have five more kids in the future to come. Leroys dad, John didn't keep that same regiment thinking and spending time with the 11 kids they had. Around Leroys birth the first big segregation when to into play and blacks were banned from bars,restaurants,cemeteries, hair salons etc. Satchel states “I was no different from any other kid”. Ever since the beginning of his life he had to persuade people about not judging him from his skin color but from his personality and his

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