Comparing Technology And Society In Fahrenheit 451 By Ray Bradbury

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Fake news, technology addiction, word bubbles, more shootings, and a questionable government is the reality of our society that is quite similar to the society in Fahrenheit 451. Our society already has so much in common with the books society to the point where it’s concerning. As a whole, we all need to take Bradbury's novel as a warning because it’s already quite easy to compare both societies. Specifically, we live in a world where technology, normalization of violence, and a society built around fear are shared similarities to the society in Fahrenheit 451. To begin, technology is something that is a huge part of most of our lives. It can be looked at as a great way to communicate with people or a way to completely waste your time or day. In the novel Fahrenheit 451, technology is mainly a bad thing overall but in ways is good as well. For instance, the average citizen in the book is constantly glued to the walls, which is also known as television. Montag's wife for example, is constantly watching her TV shows and always has these …show more content…

In Fahrenheit 451, the hound is looked at as a mechanical creature that has fear written all over it. Although its sole purpose is to protect and take orders; it’s looked at as something that will always be feared. I found this quite similar to how people view police today! In more detail, most individuals fear and dread interactions with policemen, instead of looking at them as someone who will protect them. Currently police brutality is a current issue that doesn’t seem to be improving or getting any better. Unarmed individuals or specifically the people of color are getting shot at or killed by policemen at a drastic rate. For instance, “Police killed 1,147 people in 2017. Black people were 25% of those killed despite being only 13% of the population” (Mapping Police Violence). This shocking statistic shows how much of an issue this is in our