
Comparing The Contributions Of Lewis And Clark Expedition

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The Corps of Discovery, led by Lewis and Clark began an expedition to find an all water route to the Pacific- NW on May 14,1803. Lewis, Clark, Sacagawea, and myself set out to explore the recently bought, Louisiana Territory. The United States didn’t know much about the Louisiana Territory therefore, Thomas Jefferson set the Corps of Discovery with the following directions: Lewis must take detailed notes on all of the plants and animals discovered. Clark was told to make an accurate map with geographical features. Explore the Missouri River to find an all water route to the Pacific Ocean. Make sure the Native Americans know that the land is now owned by the United States. also , to learn as much as you can about the Native Americans life and …show more content…

Lewis was a great man, once reaching the nation’s capital, he received payment for his courage efforts. He was also named governor of the Louisiana Territory. Lewis made so many contributes to this country like, how he kept detailed journals and collected samples of plants and animals he encountered. A huge thing Lewis did was changing the face of the United States by exploring uncharted territory. His work inspired many others to follow in his footsteps and created great interest in the region. Clark also brought many great skills to the expedition. Being an experienced soldier and outdoorsman, helped keep the expedition moving along. And was amazing mapmaker, and helped to figure out what routes the expedition should take. He was such a kind and caring man. After Sacagawea past way, he took care of her children. He is known for his fair treatment of Native American, and as one of this country’s greatest explorers. Not only did Lewis make many contributes to this country, so did Clark. The maps Clark drew helped the U.S. Government and the rest of the nation understand the geography of the west. His journals also provided in sights into the lands, and peoples and animal life of the …show more content…

She was a Shoshone interpreter and skilled at finding edible plants. One major skill was serving as a symbol of peace, a group traveling with a child and a woman, were treated with less suspicion than a group of all men. Once when a boat Sacagawea was riding on capsized, she saved some of its cargo, including important documents and supplies. Not only did Lewis and Clark contribute to the United States, but so did Sacagawea. When the Corps encountered a group of Shoshone Indians, she soon realized that the leader was actually her brother. It was through her that the expedition was able to buy horses from the Shoshone to cross the Rocky

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