Comparing The Economic And Philosophic Manuscripts Of 1844

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Economic And Philosophic Manuscripts Of 1844 I believe that the reading was trying to explain the analysis of economics in our society. The manuscripts were earlier expressions of Marx's analysis of economics, chiefly Adam Smith, and the philosophy of G.W.F. Hegel. They were not published by Marx during his life time, but they were released later in life in (1927) by researchers. These manuscripts were notes that explain ed the economics of our society. Marx's Aargued that the topics of private property, communism and money were the conditions of modern industrial societies result in the alienation of wage/workers from their own life activity/work (Longhofer, W., & Winchester, D. 2012 Chapter 2). It was explained that under capitalism more people rely on labour to survive, but before people could rely on part of nature itself in modern society. If someone wanted to have food supply they must work, because they must have money to buy the food to survive. However if the alienation of people working is consistent with breaking their backs as in working too hard/slaving, their work is doubly alienated. …show more content…

For example: [First someone receives an object that they find work] as in they found a job, therefore owes their labour the possibility to be recognized as a worker. [Second as the physical subject, the peasant that must prove their quality as a worker] as in normally permitting them to continue to be recognized as a physical subject, therefore because of them being recognized as a physical subject they can continue to be a worker. After reading and understanding this it is clear to me now for example: A worker relies on their labour to get money in order to live, but it is not really living it is only surviving as a

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