Comparing The Grapes Of Wrath And The Grave Of Fireflies

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The Grapes of Wrath and The Grave of Fireflies have very similar concepts but very different themes. The Grave of the Fireflies was no doubt extremely emotional and helps people see a whole new perspective on people. It shows the real side of people when it comes down to being scarce in supply. An example of people showing their true colors would be in The Grapes of Wrath, a harsh man who was a landowner has an officer arrest someone just for asking about the wages. In the Grave of the Fireflies, the man providing only for himself did not help they young boy and girl who were trying to survive on their own. Sadly, people were barely surviving, but still no one tries to do for others and help them out. The Grapes of Wrath shows how hard life was for Americans. For instance, the Dust Bowl forced farmers off their land and had to start to migrate on the road to California in search of food and work. In both of these stories, a family was trying to survive and find anything they could to help one another. People with more skill and capacity would make life so much harder for the less fortunate. The Joad family took a trip out of their way and …show more content…

People that lived their had more experience on how to do things because that was their everyday routine. In the early 1900s they had to learn how to make do with what they had and learn how to use things they were limited to, that's how their lives worked.It affects people emotionally and physically. The air was so filled with dust that it killed people. Children had clothes made out of sacks because there was no other material available. Their homes were layered in dirt/dust. Their food and water source wasn't that great either. That's how serious this issue was. The Grapes of Wrath has everything to do with the dust bowl and scarcity. Because they were limited to certain