Comparing The Hebrew Teachings Of Practical Wisdom Through Scriptures

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The Hebrew teachings of practical wisdom are found throughout Scripture. Scripture verses in the book of Proverbs contain practical truths by which people can balance their lives on as a foundation for living a purposeful and fulfilled life. True wisdom comes from balancing your life on a foundation built on God. “In ancient society the ability to make wise decisions in all of life’s practical matters was highly esteemed,” according to Hindson &Yates within the book The Essence of the Old Testament: A Survey, (2012, p. 259). Not only was being able to make wise decisions good for the person, it was respected and it set the example of how living a godly life is, living wisely. In essence a life characterized by wisdom and diligence is pleasing to God and brings peace, joy, and fulfillment while we are on Earth; while a life characterized by laziness and folly leads to despair, chaos, and emptiness. The book of Proverbs was written in short poetic sentences that reveal wisdom in a concise and lyrical …show more content…

Most would agree if we work hard, then we have the ability to obtain precious things; however, if we live life lethargically, we shall achieve nothing including memories. Proverbs 10:16 (NKJV) states, “The labour of the righteous leads to life, the wages of the wicked lead to sin.” The concept of diligence verses laziness is shared with righteousness representing true wisdom and sin being folly, for it is foolish to live without God. If these are analyzed and not just memorized, true wisdom can be found in the interpretations that both correspond and contrast within the parallels of the Proverbs Scripture. “He becomes poor who works with a slack and idle hand, but the hand of the diligent makes rich” (Proverbs 10:4, AMP). Through hard work more than monetary value is gained; however, working hard alone is not enough for a godly

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