
Comparing The Movie 'To The Outsiders'

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In 1983, acclaimed filmmaker Francis Ford Coppola, most well known for "The Godfather Series," was thinking of a good movie to make. At the advice of a librarian, he read the Outsiders, and then proceeded to make a film of it, which became a story masterpiece in itself. In this essay, I will compare the differences between "The Outsiders novel to "The Outsiders" film. We start this with the opening scene. In the opening of the novel, it goes as this, "When I stepped out, into the bright sunlight from the darkness of the movie house, I had only two things on my mind: Paul Newman, and a ride home." True, the film had the same opening, but it was only Ponlyboy writing this in his composition book, instead of him actually stepping out of the theatre.
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