Comparing The Public Sector To Enhance The Four Phases Of Emergency Management

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The public sector can enhance the four phases of emergency management by joining forces to ensure each and every aspect of an emergency management plan meets, or exceeds, the homeland security assessments. These public sectors that include but are not limited to “police, fire-fighters, hospitals, doctors, nurses, ambulance services and public works” (Fisher, 2004). The electric and water companies, and their personnel play a major role in effective mitigation, preparedness, response and recovery just as the other public sectors do. The public sectors of a community need to communicate, cross-train, share resources, and assess each other strengths and weaknesses to see where improvement might be required. “To develop preparedness, to respond quickly to the disasters, to perform effective mitigation and execute the recovery, all three factors, people, technology and structure, should interact with each other to perform effective emergency management. Because, interactions among people, technology and structure factors generate synergy effect of performing effective emergency management, which is considered as a task” (Kim, Sharman, Cook-Cottone, Rao, & & Upadhyaya, 2012) Preparing for an emergency disaster of any form is extremely difficult and many trial runs’ or mock simulations of disasters may be necessary in order to work out …show more content…

Enhancing training and working relationships among the public, nonprofit, and private sector for an emergency manager provides managers with ample opportunities to “produce positive benefits for emergency management” (Kim, Sharman, Cook-Cottone, Rao, & & Upadhyaya,

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