Comparing The Teachings Of Petrine, Jewish, And Johannine

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The New Testament is a collection of books written by various authors. These authors share historical information as well as news about eternal life through Jesus Christ. There are four streams of Christianity found in the New Testament: Pauline, Petrine, Jewish and Johannine. To determine how closely these streams are related, one can compare each stream’s teachings based on a common topic. The Petrine and Johannine streams are similar in thought when exploring the idea that love is the center of ethics, one of the core teachings from the New Testament. However, these two streams differ when comparing the legacy each one leaves. The first topic, love is the center of ethics, can be found in the letters from Peter. In 1 Peter 4:8 he writes, “Above all, keep loving one another earnestly, since love covers a multitude of sins.” It is most important to show the love of Jesus to others. When love is present, then forgiveness can occur along with the ability to overlook wrong doings. A Christ-like love creates an environment where it is difficult for sin to prosper. …show more content…

John 13:34 says, “A new commandment I give to you, that you love one another: just as I have loved you, you also are to love one another.” Jesus loves everyone no matter who they are and we as Christians should do the same. This verse is a building block to what Jesus told his disciples after the foot washing (Volume 9, 732). Jesus acts in a way that he wants his followers to do as well. Jesus expects his disciples to follow this commandment of loving one another and to practice it while he is gone (Carson 484). According to Leon Morris, “He is not asking them to do any more than he himself has done” (Morris,

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