Comparing Thomas Hobbes, John Locke And J. Roseau

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Humans have come a long way from the Stone Age. We’ve come from an age of using stick and stones as a means to survive to a new age where there’s nuclear power. We’ve created empires and state because humans are social animals who can’t truly be independent. We need each other to survive and we need the expertise and contribution of everyone to make our lives easier as time goes on. Great wise men such as Thomas Hobbes, John Locke, and J.J. Roseau are a few individuals who helped change the way many of us think and helped us a developed a political system to govern us. One wise man whose political theory and ideas I would incorporate into my own country would be John Locke “social contract” theory. Because John Locke believes that the people have the right to choose who would lead and govern them. The people would have written consent of their natural rights to the state and would be held to that social contract. John Locke believes …show more content…

Hobbes believed that the citizens of a state should not deny their state even if it isn’t perfect just to avoid chaos while Roseau believed that civilization makes men weak and lead to their lack of understanding in their own minds. Hobbies theory is flawed in the sense that if the people of the country don’t speak out against the state and follow the state blindly, then the people truly don’t have freedom within their own borders. The state wasn’t created to make laws and regulations based on their own belief but to represent the people, to protect the people natural rights and to make society more comfortable and promote peace and harmony among the people. If the people of the nation doesn’t agree with the way state does things and if the state tries to undermine the people rights, then the people of the nation should have the right to overthrow the state because the people are the ones who gave the state the power they have and the people are the ones who can take it