Comparing Two Articles On Childhood Obesity

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The two articles I found in the University of Phoenix Library that was interesting and decided to write about are Maternal Obesity and Weight gain in pregnancy. The reason I choose to write about these two topics is because not only are they extremely interesting to me, but they are also two pieces of literature that should be recognized because of the severe issues caused by moms who are overweight during the crucial stages of pregnancy. The prevalence of overweight and obesity among pregnant moms has been drastically increasing for the past few years, and because of this fetal and childhood consequences has been on the rise to epic proportions.
I think matters like this are extremely important because its affecting multiple lives. For this reason, I believe the author Harrison, G G main objective was to determine risk factors and maternal and fetal …show more content…

There are many different avenues of research that the author had to explore when writing these two pieces. Some of the research and hypotheses being researched in these articles are the statistical patterns that are prevalent among reproducing mothers, their issues and struggles with obesity, weight management, and how these issues are having a dramatic effect on the child post birth, as well as the growing fetus. There were several studies conducted in order to obtain the necessary information written into these articles. Pregnant mothers were carefully monitored by experts during the crucial stages of pregnancy. This was done to understand the difficulties mothers face while being pregnant. Some of the most severe issues included with gaining a lot of weight during pregnancy was the depression the mothers had to face post giving birth to their child. The problem with depressions is obvious. There is no way an unhealthy mother could possible tend to their infant child attentively and to the best of their ability while struggling with the ongoing issues of depression followed by severe post pardom