Comparing Two Contrasting Versions Of Dante's Inferno '

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Within The Inferno of Dante, there are two contrasting versions of Dante: Dante Poet, and Dante Pilgrim. The novel is written in the format of a poem and explores the journey of Dante’s fictional self searching for the true way to live life in consonance with Christian teachings. Dante Pilgrim travels through different realms within the underworld searching for an answer. Throughout Dante Pilgrim’s journey, he feels sympathy for the shades or condemned souls, and at times this distracts him from his journey. Dante Poet is an observer, telling the story but not living it. Because of Dante Poet’s detachment from the story he is safe from harm's way, Dante Pilgrim is living in the moment, he is vulnerable to his environment; any wrong decisions could leave him left in hell for eternity.
At the beginning of their journey into hell, Dante Pilgrim began to experience limbo - the area where souls go who have not been accepted into hell or heaven. Most of these souls consist of people born before Christ. When Dante Pilgrim crossed through the gates he read a foreboding message “ABANDON ALL HOPE, YOU WHO ENTER HERE”. Once he stepped through the gates, he heard cries of agony, groans, and songs so loud the Pilgrim began to cry. Dante Pilgrim is led through limbo with his guide Virgil. The first ring of hell …show more content…

He must navigate the dangers of the three rings. Virgil takes Dante through the crack of a broken rock. Once they pass through, a terrifying Minotaur threatens Dante’s life. Dante Poet composes this treacherous situation. Whenever Dante Pilgrim is put in a situation that threatens his life, Dante Poet is there conducting it all. The Poet is who puts the Pilgrim in these circumstances. In the eighth circle of hell, Dante Pilgrim is forced to hide to avoid the demons that forcibly throw new souls into a pit of darkness. Dante Poet forces the Pilgrim to be