
Comparing Two Jobs Research Paper

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Jobs. One that is loved? One that helps financially? Which one is chosen? Which one benefits the most? A job should make someone feel a sense of self-fulfillment, not about money. More people should be attempting to find a job that they love doing, and satisfies them in more ways than money could. These jobs include a teacher, a nurse, and a tutor.
Teaching is something that is highly overlooked and underappreciated. Why is it that the ones that help us strive, and help us learn, are least noticed? As a teacher, the goal is not only to help teach, but to also watch the students thrive. Teachers are known not to make a lot of money, but they still continue to love their job. This is a prime example of how self-fulfillment is a top priority in a teacher's life. Everyday the teacher knows she is helping kids who may or may not use the information she is providing in the future, and still continues to work. This …show more content…

Although a nurse does have a well pay, the enjoyment of being able to help and mend people who need it the most is something that is very self-fulfilling. A very close acquaintance, said how hard this job can truly be. She talked about how many people do admire her and appreciate her for her line of work, but she also talked about how others see a nurse as nothing more than a shadow, or just the help for the doctor. Which, is not the case at all. A nurse helps just as much, if not more. She also stated that it can be hard to keep a clear head while everyone is doubting your true intentions and hopes of helping people. But, she is rewarded with the thought of knowing how her help is appreciated by the patients she sees, which is more satisfying than any doubt by critics, or any amount of money. This job also relates to The Mason. The work the nurse sees as fulfilling and worthwhile, is not always what other people see as successful. But, she keeping working for her own

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