
Comparing Two Poems By Andrew Marvel

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The first poem, written by Andrew Marvell is telling her what to do all the time. Throughtout the poem, its very apparent that he is controlling of her. This is revealed by the way he has structured his piece he starts by explaining what they could do if they had all of the time in the world
"We would sit down, and think which way
To walk, and pass our long love's day."
Because he says our long loves day and in the context it could means they will love forever, it means they would spend the whole day talking about how they would build their future together and stay together forever. Then he realizes that that is impossible because they will eventually die, so he says
"Times winged chariot hurrying near
And yonder all before us lie"
He uses imagery to demonstrate how death is creeping up on them fast, as in on a winged chariot. Never once does he acknowledge feelings that she may have about the relationship between the two. Then, he comes up with a solution that they should
"Let us roll all our strength and all
Our sweetness up into one ball."
This means that they should get together and become one, either through marriage or having a child, hence ball. It is a hint for having sex. However in Lady Mary Wortley Montagu's poem she uses a different argument. At first …show more content…

This could have put the mistress in a tough decesion. He makes it seem as though if she doesn't lose her virginity to him and have children, she will ruin the definition of beauty and it would all be her fault. He also uses imagery to scaree her into ghaving sex with him. He implies that if she takes her virginity to the

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