Comparing Wiesel And Kamens

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One of the deepest darkest times in history. Where persecution and misery had taken over people’s hearts. No one dared to stand against the greatest force of evil that had ever lived called the Nazis. Some people called it a genocide, some called it the greatest catastrophe in history, but most called it the Holocaust. After this terrifying event, the survivors of this series were horribly scarred for the rest of their life. One of these survivors was Elie Wiesel who wrote a poem called, “ Never Shall I Forget” to put out and show her heartfelt misery of her life in the concentration camp. Also author, Sylvan Kamens showed support for the people of the Holocaust by writing , “ We Remember Them”. Authors Wiesel and Kamens both describe a similar …show more content…

Also, the point of view of each author varies constantly between the two poems. As we know that the theme is common, but Wiesel chooses the journey of each person in the camp. This can be see when he says in lines five and six, “ Never shall I forget the small faces of the children whose bodies I saw transformed into smoke under a silent sky.” This is one specific point in the camp that the Nazis did to torment the Jewish people. Line ten also supports this claim because it explains one plot point in detail. Sylvan Kamens, however chooses the everyday choices a mediocre person deal with in his/her life. This can be seen at the beginning of the poem, “ At the rising of the sun and at its going down. We remember them.” This clearly shows, that anyone can see the sun going up and down, not only people who were in the Holocaust. Also lines twelve and thirteen show that this statement is true too. The point of view of each author is distinct because Elie Wiesel speaks in the point of view of a particular person. This can be seen when he implies, “ Never shall I forget those flames that consumed my faith for ever.” This single line shows that Elie Wiesel is talking about himself. However, Sylvan Kamens is talking about everyone and everything. This can be inferred when she never says I or am, and continues to use the word we repeatedly. There is still …show more content…

However, the two particular ones to focus on are the theme and the tone of each poem. The themes of both poems tells us to commemorate and give respect to the events we have forgotten and learn from them. This can be clearly proven in “Never Shall I Forget” in lines five, six, and seven. This can also be seen in the repetitive lines each poem has to identify this theme. We can also see this in the poem of “We Remember Them” when the poem states in, “ As long as we leave, they too will live; for they are now a part of us,” From these four lines from the poems, we can see how each poem supports a familiar theme. The tones of both stories are both compatible because both have serious/ allusive tone. The tones can clearly be seen from lines one and two in, “Never Shall I forget.” These two tones create an atmosphere for the reader of the poem to infer or notice the theme both poems show. The emotional feelings presented by these two tones provide us with the major message of the literature that we are