Comparison Of Abortion And The Republican Party

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What is your view on Abortion and women rights? Do you have a view? If not this paper will paper will help you find your view and your opinion. There are two major parties that have two opposite views. The Democratic party and the Republican party are the most common in our government. This paper is going to walk through the parties views and where they stand for women's rights. The Democratic party, which is pro-choice, meaning they are for abortion. A lot of people think that pro-choice automatically means they are just for abortion, but the word pro-choice just means it’s up to the woman and what they decide to do with the fetus. Some people freak out at the democratic party because they think they just want to kill the fetus, but they …show more content…

The party is more traditional and they go by what the Bible says. They believe it's wrong to kill the fetus. The reason it’s called pro-life is because they are saving the life of a fetus and not killing it. People don’t think that the woman should even think of that, they want to have the woman put it up for adoption. They might be for women's rights, but they don’t support the idea of women's rights on abortion. My view and opinion about abortion and women's rights is on the Democratic side. I believe that they woman should have the choice. It might be against God’s word, but I have no business telling someone what they can and cannot do. I believe God gave everyone the choice to do right and wrong and if they chose the “wrong” one then they will suffer the consequences, hence the name pro-choice. I think that a man has no right to tell a woman that she can’t get it. It’s her body, her choice!! Abortion is a very serious topic a lot of people hate abortion or they are for abortion. I think that everyone’s opinion is valid and again, it’s their choice. You cannot tell someone what they can and cannot do or what they stand for. God gave us the choice to do right and wrong and if people want to do wrong, let them do it, they will suffer the

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