
Comparison Of Antigone And The Judgment Of Nuremberg

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Judgment of Nuremberg is a movie about a tribunal held against 4 German prosecutors and judges on indictments of crimes while in office and is held after WWII has ended. Antigone is a play written by Sophices and is about a woman is goes against a king’s decree and buries her brother regardless of the consequences. These two forms of entertainment are over 2000 years apart but both share a common similarity, both judgment of number and Antigone are both based on higher law. Higher law is defined as a moral or religious principle that is believed to overrule secular constitutions and laws. Higher law is not only a religious principles but are principles of right and wrong , a common constitution can not cover all the scenarios that may arise in …show more content…

The defendants knew their actions were harmful and were wrong but they followed through with it anyways although it was not against the law to do so. In the judgment of Nuremberg the prosecutor raises the point of higher law or natural law as it is sometimes referred to versus the constitutional law he said “ there can be no immunity for those who Oby orders which whether legal or not in the country where they are issued are manifestly contrary to the very law of nature from which international law has grown.” The prosecutor is saying that people do not deserve to be immune to punishment even if what they were doing in their said country is not exactly illegal but breaks the natural law that is recognized as the higher law across the world. Antigone however brings up higher law in a different way, knowing that she indeed broke the law and very well may be put to death she says this. “Zeus did not announce those laws to

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