Comparison Of Charles Dickens Great Expectations And Frankenstein

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Charles Dickens and Mary Shelley lived during the time of the Industrial Revolution. It was a time of improvement and change that not everybody agreed was good. Charles Dickens’ Great Expectations and Mary Shelley’s Frankenstein both incorporate the reception of this change in their respective novels. With change there comes a learning process of how all new inventions can become part of life and how society is supposed to be. Furthermore, both authors chose education as a motif for portraying not only the change in education but also the fear that comes with this “New Age”.While Shelley lived and wrote at the rather beginning of the Industrial Revolution, Dickens’ work gives the reader impressions of the final stages of this development. Both focus on society and how it shapes us and what is expected to become of a person depending on from what background the person is coming. Both Shelley and Dickens focus in their work on two entirely different characters that, however, have one aspect in common: they are shaped by society that surrounds them. These impacts are the real origin of why they later become what they are. The Industrial Revolution formed everybody including authors and their writing. The technological improvement marks the start of Frankenstein were a monster is created with help of electricity. Moreover, Great Expectations includes revolutionary thoughts such as becoming rich and working oneself up the ladder to the freedom of a gentleman was not impossible