Comparison Of Crime Rates In Mumbai, And Chicago

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gs, violence and murder in the three cities of Mumbai, Dhaka and ChicagoThis research paper is a comparison between the different gangs, murders and violence occurrences in three different cities. These cities include: Mumbai, Dhaka and Chicago. Considering the geographical background these cities are the most populated cities within their specific countries and are the most economically sound cities. We will discuss the different crime rates in these cities and will compare how and what is different among all these?Violence in Mumbai:Mumbai is a city of more than 20million people and is a place where a lot of foreigners usually come to visit. Violence rate is a bit high in the slums and crowded areas of the city, which are high density areas. …show more content…

It has also been revealed that a lot of Indian celebrities have shown their connection to Dawood Ibrahim and such mafia’s for their personal gains. Violence in Dhaka:Dhaka is another city that possesses high rates of crime which includes murders and muggings. Though street crimes have been controlled but there is a high level of street crime in Dhaka, which is not handled properly by the government. With a population over 9million, its inevitable to control the rates of crimes. Murder cases, dead bodies found, gun fights, are some of the common crimes that are highly reported in the newspapers, in Dhaka. Late night travelling is not considered safe as well, as it might result in a life loss. This decline is one of the major concerns that are affecting the elections in Bangladesh, thus causing political violence on hand too. (Thomas, 2012)Crimes like mugging, car stolen, being attacked, being insulted, drug dealing, assault, armed robberies and ethnic, religious and political violence are some of the major highlights in Dhaka, when terrorist affects are discussed. Financial scams in Dhaka, thefts of vehicle and belongings at homes, and drug crimes are reported …show more content…

Chicago rated high in murders and homicides in the late 2000’s. In the year 2005, 06 and 2007 the rate in homicides rose to another level, which has surpassed other cities of the U.S. high rate of murders came from firearm and stabbing incidents. Ethnic and race classification of such incidents are a bit high when considering such murders and stabbing cases. These races include black, Hispanics, and white race. Another data shows that major robbery victims included females, domestic victims included females and also gang victims were reported to be females as well. (Christensen, 2014)Incredibly conflicting natures have been seen in Chicago regarding murder cases. These usually involved neighborhood issues and concerns. Homicide ratio in Chicago in the last few years has been as follows: In the year 2013, it was 415, 2012 it was 516, 2011, it was 435 and 2010 it showed 436, so there’s not a fixed pattern seen here. Sometimes it increases and sometime it decreases. Though in the year 2013, Chicago observed a lower homicide rate than it was in 1965 and thus saw a fall in crime

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