Comparison Of Government In Kyrgyzstan, US And Bulgaria

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Comparison of forms of government in Kyrgyzstan, USA and Bulgaria. Modern world consists of almost 200 countries, most of which have their own governments, while others exist in anarchy. Since ancient times, there was a huge diversity in cultures and traditions among each nation. But despite all the differences, people understood the need to unite in order to continue living happy life. Everyone sacrificed part of his or her time for social well-being. However understanding of union was not enough, since people are selfish by nature and mostly care about themselves. So in order to encourage everyone to live in peace and mutual help, most suitable and adequate humans were selected to control crowds since antiquity. After some time, population …show more content…

It became sovereign republic in 1991 after the fall of Soviet Union and changed old Soviet constitution 2 years later. The latest version of Kyrgyz constitution passed in 2010, making Kyrgyzstan a republic with one legislative house (Jogorku Kenesh, or Supreme Council). Head of the country is the president, who is elected for 5 years. Voting age in Kyrgyzstan is 18. The Supreme Council of Kyrgyzstan seats 120 members, which can hold their place up to 5 years after the election. Female part of Jogorku Kenesh is 23%. Judiciary is represented by local mixed courts that are governed by the Supreme Court. Kyrgyzstan is a member of United Nations and WTO (World Trade …show more content…

It was founded in 7th century and has a huge history behind its name. Modern form of Bulgarian government is unitary military republic with one legislative body (National Assembly). Unitary republic is a total contrast to federation, since in this system all the governing power is located in a centralized government. The head of Bulgaria is the President, who is serves as both the chief of the armed forces and the head of the state. Another governing body of Bulgaria is the Council of Ministers, head of which is the prime minister. He is elected once in five years by adults, older than 18. Ministers are responsible for both internal and external issues related to the country. Unicameral parliament of Bulgaria, which is called “Narodno Sobranie”, has 240 deputies, which are elected for a 4 year period. Ratio of female to male representatives in Bulgarian parliament is 22 to 78. Judicial system in Bulgaria is represented by several types of courts: Supreme Administrative, Specialized Criminal and military courts, which obey to the Supreme Court of Cassation. Bulgaria is a member of United Nations, European Union and

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