As I look into this picture from the life collection titled “Love, Sunset & Elevated Apes”, I see two love birds who have made it. Holding each other in a warm loving embrace taking in the view of the large wooded island in front of them, all while sitting on their own little island in deep contentment of each other. The water has small ripples and that can tell stories of their journey. The lake is surrounded by mountains that kiss the sky where the clouds are sitting ever so still. One could only imagine that this photograph was taken during a beautiful summer day. This photograph has invoked a feeling in me that boldly states, “this is your life goal!” It has been known that what we search for in life is to love and be loved. Love is …show more content…
However, when we are able to take the origin of love we can discover that there are several different types of love. For example, in Hebrew, we have love broken down to three words: raya, ahava, and dod. Raya is the feeling of love towards our friends. Whereas, Ahava, is the feeling of commitment. Dod equates to intimacy. If a person can find his or hers raya and develops both ahava and dod, then they have true love. For “love” to be complete we need to have all three. If you cannot be friends, raya, then the ahava and dod will fade away. If we were to look at an affair where there is dod, but no ahava or raya, then that to will go away and leave us looking for love. When parents stay together for the kids, ahava, but have no dod or raya, the ultimate outcome is divorce and not teaching the kids love. In the Greek language love is broken down to four main sources: agape, phileo, eros, and storge. Agape is the love that is sacrificial. Jesus is often correlated with agape love for mankind. Phileo is where we get the name Philadelphia, the city of brotherly love. Storge is the type of love that we have for our children. Eros is where we get the term erotic which is our physical love and