Comparison Of Names In The Iliad And Ramayana

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In both The Iliad and Ramayana, the authors employ various names that refers to other literary works or mythologies in order to give more comprehensive descriptions of the situations when main characters die, and the use of names makes readers feel the scenes as if they are there to witness. In The Iliad, when Achilleus and Hektor are still fighting against each other, Homer introduces names in their fighting: “[s]o he spoke, and balanced the spear far shadowed, and threw it, and struck the middle of Peleïdes’ shield” (290). In this sentence, Peleïdes is referred by Homer to further depict the shield. When Hektor is about to die, he threats Achilleus that, “[b]e careful now; for I might be made into the gods’ curse upon you, on that day when