
Comparison Of Shalott And The Lady Of Guenevere

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The Lady of Shalott, in comparison to The Defence of Guenevere, seems to fit in this era better. The Defence of Guenevere draws attention to the woman and to her body. It creates Guenevere into this self possessed, confident, and unashamed woman. While she cannot do everything by herself, she doesn’t simply sit around and wait for the man either. She jumps into action and does what she can to help herself. This is rather different than the impression of women that is typical. The Lady of Shalott fulfils this impression in a way that meets our expectations better. The Lady of Shalott is portrayed as someone who cannot help herself. She has to wait for, quite literally, her kight in shining armor to come and save her. Lancelot, the per said
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