Comparison Of Snowball's Perspective On Animal Farm

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Snowball’s perspective

I was looking up to old Major and I wanted to make him proud. I felt that it was very important to spread the knowledge about Animalism to the other animals, so I tried my best to do so.
To begin with, I figured it would be a good idea to paint the Seven Commandments on the barn wall. Of course, not every animal could read them, so I summed it all up to a single precept that said ”Four legs good, two legs bad”, just to make it easier for everyone and make sure that they understood. This was just the beginning, but soon we would be living our life the way we’ve always dreamed of. I was fully aware of that there would be problems sooner or later, but I was ready to give everything.
Time passed and as expected the cows needed to be milked, and after a little thought, the other pigs and I milked them fairly successfully. The milk would later be equally distributed to all the animals and mixed in to the mash, I thought. However, Napoleon was quick to place himself in front of the buckets and tell the other animals that the harvest was more important. …show more content…

I knew Napoleon had put it away just for us, but I couldn’t help but feel selfish. We had a talk about the milk and apples before, and I tried to explain to him how much the animals deserved it but he didn’t listen. I gave up as Napoleon sent Squealer to make the necessary explanations to the others. He came up with some nonsense about how many of us don’t even like milk and apples but that we need it because we are the brainworkers, that the whole farm depends on us, and that it is for their sake we drink that milk. It felt better when the animals agreed without further argument, and I couldn’t resist enjoying the benefits that we, as leaders, kept to