
Comparison Of Something Wicked This Way Comes By Dylan Thomas

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There are many connections that can be made in the novel Something Wicked This Way Comes by Ray Bradbury, especially with the poem “Do Not Go Gentle Into That Good Night” by Dylan Thomas. One connection that can be made between the novel and the poem is a theme that they both seem to share which is to not give up and fight back. For instance, the theme of not giving up and fighting back is exemplified in the poem “Do Not Go Gentle Into That Good Night.” Throughout the poem, the line, “Rage, rage against the dying of the light” is repeated multiple times (Thomas). This statement gives off the idea that the reader should fight their hardest against whatever their problem is to fix it. Also, since the statement is repeated a total of four times in the poem, the author makes it clear that his intention is to get this message across. Another quote that the author repeats multiple times that ties in with the theme of not giving up and fighting back is “Do not go gentle into that good night” (Thomas). This is an example of not giving up …show more content…

Throughout the novel, the boys, Will and Jim, and Mr. Halloway are constantly faced with life many difficult challenges where they cannot give up, unless they would like to face death. One great example is when Mr. Dark breaks Mr. Halloway’s hand and leaves him for to be killed by the Dust Witch. However, rather than facing his death, Mr. Halloway fights back against the witch, scaring her off. It states in the novel, “And yet farther back came the janitor-father, now slowing himself with remembrances of age, now pacing swiftly young with thoughts of the brief first encounter and victory, carrying his left hand patted to his chest, chewing medicines as he went” (Bradbury Ch. 46). This shows that even with a broken hand, Mr. Halloway would not let the pain get in his way from saving the boys and stopping the evil carnival

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