
Competition In Kurt Vonnegut's Harrison Bergeron

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As humans there is one attribute that gives us the opportunity to be extraordinary, that one thing is competition. In Kurt Vonnegut’s “Harrison Bergeron” Vonnegut forges an atrocious society where competition is no longer an aspect of the everyday which eliminates ambition and excellence from the average citizen, and forces normalcy and equality upon them. This dystopian society strips each and every citizen of the great tool of competition that forces humans towards progress and greatness, and leaves them with nothing but mediocrity and stagnation. Vonnegut has created a world without competition, without a driving force for greatness, and without a tool to motivate ambition. However in this non-competitive culture no one seems to care that …show more content…

To bring competition back to into a society like 2081 would be revolutionary, and would bring a new sense of life into the world of the everyday person. Competition would allow for new innovations, leaders that could rocket society towards greatness, and inconceivable amounts of progress and development for a better and more successful world. Naturally these are all foreign or hated ideas by the vast majority of the current society of 2081. Not to Harrison though, he understood what his society was holding him back from, so when he breaks into the dance performance and presents his own greatness, he shows his world what even his own competition against society has allowed him to do. He presents his skill and grace when he and his empress have an, “ explosion of joy and grace, into the air they sprang! Not only were the laws of the land abandoned, but the law of gravity and the laws of motion as well. They reeled, whirled, swiveled, flounced, capered, gamboled, and spun” (304). As soon as Harrison finally lets the world see his spoils of competing against society, it reveals an, “explosion of joy and grace,” nowhere else in this society is there explosions of joy and grace. Therefore, for this society to finally live and even thrive again the reintroduction of competition is

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