Executive Summary Of Chipotle

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Chipotle’s primary consumers are millennials (aged between 23 and 36). According to the United States Census Bureau, Millennials account for more than a quarter of the nation's population. Millennials are ethnically diverse, technologically competent, with values rooted in authenticity, wellness, and environmental responsibility. Technical competency and familiarity make digital purchase functionality a vital tool in appealing, retaining and growing a consumer base within this market. Millennials have been shifting away from calorie counting and moving towards a focus on real, clean organic foods. The Millennial emphasis on health and wellness, combined with the fact that they are the highest currently the highest generational restaurant spenders …show more content…

According to the Business Insider, more than 90% of Millennials use coupons, and usage per consumer is increasing. Millennials have the highest education level generationally. This market is essential to target as they are expected to have the highest spending power as of 2018. Brand vision, incentivization, and consumer feedback responsiveness are also critical values to this group. Chipotle’s market climate continues to become increasingly competitive. The most significant competitors living in two spaces; fast food and quick service casual dining. Some top competitors for Chipotle are Taco Bell (fast food), Subway (healthy to go), Panera (healthy casual), Chili’s (casual dine in), and Qdoba (healthy casual …show more content…

Chipotle should focus on targeted marketing campaigns to their consumer target. These advertising campaigns should focus on the locally sourced, environmentally friendly practices that the brand is embodying and living. Since the target market is also sensitive to product price, these campaigns are an opportunity to connect the higher rate with the quality of the product and the social benefits that are created by paying that additional amount as a consumer. There is still a chance that the price increase might lead to a decrease in their target consumer base. Any claims made by Chipotle as far as their environmental and social good initiative needs to be firmly based by facts and active practices, or the company is at risk of being “outed” by any number of social and environmentally focused groups. This social and environmental impact focus can be extended to the on-sight consumer location with the use of fun facts and easy access information on how the company gives back. The advertising and brand strengthening initiatives will take additional company funding, which can lead to even higher prices for the consumer. Chipotle should try to use social media and digital presence to spread brand awareness in place of higher-priced television and radio advertisements when possible.

Chipotle also needs to continue to implement additional health technologies

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