Complex Indicators Of Ancient Egypt: Complex Environment Or Society

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I think that every Complex Environment, or Society should have many different of the 7 different Complex indicators. If you ever want to know what and why these things go on you are going to have to have to put your story belts on and enjoy the adventure. Well Organized Government I am here to tell you in Egypt there is many valuable and important people working in a Well Organized Government. One of the rulers include pharaohs, a pharaoh basically rules and is in charge of the whole civilization known today as Egypt. When rulers sat on their thrones(or tremendous wonderful seats) wearing most of their pictures of office,the crowns, staffs, and other stately thing. The spirit of the enormous god Horus talked through him. Crowns and hoods …show more content…

I wonder how they used the method of Long Distance Trade throughout their time period. Well if you want to figure that out stay with me on this wonderful journey. The people in Ancient Egypt used the method of long distance trade a lot. They traded things like gold, paper, cloth or fabric, and grain for wood, copper, iron, ivory. Ships use to sail up and down the Nile River, bringing items to many ports. The ancient Egyptians bought items from traders. They traded these items through their shops and in the popular markets.In explanation of this part of my inducater, there were many traders back then in the Ancient Egypt time period. Like I said they sell a lot of goods, and back then trading was very popular, so they made a decent amount of gold,silver/currency. To them it was better than working with the pharaohs, because of how much they would make everybody work. The old Egyptians were awesome traders. They exchanged gold, paper, cloth, grain for cedar wood, copper, iron, ivory, and lapis lazuli (an exquisite blue jewel stone.) Ships cruised here and there the Nile River, bringing products to different ports. When products were emptied, merchandise were pulled to different dealers by camel, truck, and by walking.In support, the ancient egyptians were very good at their job. These items like gold, papyrus, cloth, and grain for cedar wood, midnight, copper, iron, ivory, and lapis lazuli, actually made them a ton of currency. People also use this method to make it easy to buy and sell goods. They take these goods to places using canoes, horses, and many other transportation devices. Finally Egyptians purchased products from dealers. They exchanged merchandise through their shops and in people in general marketplaces.Trading in Ancient Egypt was huge. Old Egyptians began exchanging merchandise to different nations in the fourth century BC. The greater part of

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