
Complex Trade Patterns Of Hunter And Gatherer Societies

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Hunters and gatherers:

Hunters and gatherers are individuals who were in little civilizations with around 20-30 people. They would hunt animals and gather food for themselves and their small civilizations. In the reading many of the hunter-gatherer societies lived along the costal plains of modern Syria and Israel in the time period of 10,000 B.C. These people then later developed strategies throughout time and figured out how to stay within the same region without constantly being on the move and search for food.


Irrigation was necessary for all societies, especially thriving and growing ones such as the first cities in the years of 4,000-3,000 B.C. The first cities were reportedly and appeared in response to such advancements …show more content…

What this means is that generally trading amongst one another in a small society is not that complex. However trading with people from different societies for goods and services they can provide would be considered a complex trade pattern. In the Neolithic and Stone age complex trade patterns were able to be identified.

Agricultural revolution:

Based on my own understanding of agricultural revolution, it is an area of history that which humans started to figure out by trial and error. Due to this it lead to stable societies and complex civilizations. The agricultural revolution brought about new ways to harvest and almost nearly eliminated the need to hunt and gather. Agriculture became a huge part of life and brought great changes and advancements to the human society as the revolution became more and more popular throughout time and the world.

Code of Hammurabi:

The Code of Hammurabi set laws and rules for which the mesopotamian people would have to live by in order to live in their own cultural society. The code was a strict force of justice meaning that offenses against this law, the person who committed the offense would be severely punished. The code consisted of three different social classes and their responsibilities they would have to uphold and the punishments they got for not doing justice to their character and or work. This code led to the mesopotamian society being a patriarchal

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